Hotel Booking Details |
Your Booking status is : confirmed
Hotel Details |
Booked By |
QtechPvt |
Booking Ref. No. |
TFG102820 |
Destination |
Mumbai |
Hotel Name |
Tamasha |
Check In |
24-Aug-2020 |
Check Out |
25-Aug-2020 |
Address |
Test Address, Mumbai, India |
Telephone |
+605 - 1234 5677 |
Passenger Details |
Passenger(s) |
1) Mr A Gangan |
2) Mr B Gangan |
Per Night Rate |
Junior Suite Tower Room (Bed & Breakfast) |
Available |
mon |
tue |
wed |
thu |
fri |
sat |
sun |
Total per room |
INR 264.5 |
Total Charges |
INR 264.500 |
Cancellation Policy |
Cancellation or charges made on/after 21-08-2020 will be subject to FULL CHARGE.
Check your booking details carefully and advise us immediately if you have any